Upcoming Events

Zendoodling - Part Two
Looking forward to sharing my love of zendoodling with creative folks at the Birtle Centre for the Arts in Birtle, Manitoba!

Zendoodling Part One
Looking forward to sharing my love of zendoodling with creative folks at the Birtle Centre for the Arts in Birtle, Manitoba!

Stimulus - Response
Stimulus - Response - A Drawn Together Collective Group Exhibition where 10 women artists of the prairies respond to 10 women writers of the prairies.

Zendoodling Workshop
What better way to relax than doodling? Swing by the AGSM on May 11th and 18th to unwind with Zen Doodling. Jan Jenkins will help you release the stress for those 9 and up! Register now at (204) 727-1036

Stimulus / Response
10 women Artists respond to books written by 10 female Prairie authors.

Zendoodling Workshop
A three hour workshop exploring the joys and benefits of Zendoodling.

AGSM 18th Annual Members' Show
Join us on the 1st December 2022 at the 7pm Open Reception for the AGSM’s 18th Annual Members’ Show on display December 1-17.

Zendoodle Workshop

Heritage Arts Centre
My body of artworks In The Wind visually explores a poem I wrote about a recurring dream where I fly in the air over land toward unknown horizons. These works also explored repeat pattern making using carved linoleum plates for printmaking to create wallpaper and scarves.

Pop Up Event
Pop Up Art Event with Artist Heart Collective, Jan Jenkins and Myra Clarke

Wasagaming Community Arts - Members’ Gift Boutique
Wasagaming Community Arts Centre - Members Gift Boutique includes some of my original artworks and other items on display.

Dauphin Public Library
In The Wind visually explores a poem I wrote about a recurring dream where I fly over the land toward new horizons.

Embracing Exploration
Embracing Exploration - a collection of 25 artworks illustrating my explorations in collage and printmaking.